1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

miRNetR is an R package, synchronized with the popular miRNet web server, designed for microRNA (miRNA) centric network analytics and systems-level interpretation. This R package contains the numerous R functions and libraries underlying the web server necessary to perform miRNA data processing and analysis. This package provides support to map from miRNAs to targets (forward mapping), targets to the associated miRNAs (reverse mapping), as well as to generate network files and perform functional enrichment analysis.

Following installation and loading of miRNetR, users will be able to reproduce web server results from their local computers using the corresponding R command history downloaded from miRNet, thereby achieving maximum flexibility and reproducibility.

1.2 Installation

Step 1. Install package dependencies

To use miRNetR , first install all package dependencies. Ensure that you are able to download packages from bioconductor. To install package dependencies, use the pacman R package (for those with >R 3.5.1). Note that some of these packages may require additional library dependencies that need to be installed prior to their own successful installation.

Step 2. Install the package

miRNetR is freely available from GitHub. The package documentation, including the vignettes for each module and user manual is available within the downloaded R package file. If all package dependencies were installed, you will be able to install the miRNetR. Due to issues with Latex, some users may find that they are only able to install miRNetR without any documentation (i.e. vignettes).

Install the package directly from github using the devtools package. Open R and enter:

2 Tips for using the miRNetR package

  1. The first function that you will use in every module is the Init.Data function, which constructs the dataSet object that stores user’s data for further processing and analysis.

  2. The miRNetR package directly creates data files/tables/analysis/networks outputs in your current working directory.

  3. Every command must be run in sequence, please do not skip any commands as this will result in errors downstream.

  4. Each main function in miRNetR is documented. Use the ?Function format to open its documentation. For instance, use ?miRNetR::PerformMirGeneMapping to find out more about this function.

3 Starting from a list of miRNAs or targets

3.1 Starting from a list of miRNAs

3.1.1 Mapping to single target

3.1.2 Mapping to multiple targets

3.2 Starting from a list of targets

3.2.1 Mapping from single target

3.2.2 Mapping from multiple targets

4 Starting from an expression table

4.1 RT-qPCR

miRNetR supports five types of normalization method, including quantile normalization, rank-invariant normalization, acale-invariant normalization, geometric average and delta Ct normalization.

Quantile normalization will make the distribution of control values more or less identical across samples.

Rank-invariant normalization computes all rank-invariant sets of features between pairwise comparisons of each sample against a reference, such as a pseudo-mean. The rank-invariant features are used as a reference for generating a smoothing curve, which is then applied to the entire sample.

Geometric average calculates the average control value for each sample, and scales all control values according to the ratio of these mean Ct values across samples.

deltaCt normalization calculates the standard deltaCt values, i.e. subtracts the mean of the chosen controls from all other values in the feature set. You must specify endogenous controls!

miRNetR supports three types of statistical method, including limma, standard t-test and Mann-Whitney test.

Set adjusted p-value (p.lvl), fold change (fc.lvl) and direction

4.2 RNAseq

miRNetR supports four types of normalization method, including trimmed mean of M-values (TMM), log2 transformation only, quantile normalization only, log2 followed by quantile normalization. In addition, you can choose either tagwise or common dispersion. The expression values should be compared at log2 scales.

EdgeR uses negative binomial model is to estimate the dispersion parameter for each tag, a measure of the degree of inter-library variation for that tag. Estimating the common dispersion gives an idea of overall variability across the genome for this dataset. Estimating the tagwise dispersions estimates a distinct, individual dispersion for each gene.

Set adjusted p-value (p.lvl), fold change (fc.lvl) and direction

4.3 Microarray

miRNetR supports four types of normalization method, including trimmed mean of M-values (TMM), log2 transformation only, quantile normalization only, log2 followed by quantile normalization. In addition, you can choose either tagwise or common dispersion. The expression values should be compared at log2 scales. Quantile normalization is optional and is recommended for microarray data.

Set adjusted p-value (p.lvl), fold change (fc.lvl) and direction

5 Starting from a list of xeno-miRNAs or target genes

miRNet will automatically search 453 xeno-miRNAs detected in six host organisms based on 15 studies. In addition, there are 1,249 predicted xeno-miRNAs with high potential to be transferred to human circulation according to a study by Shu et al.

You can enter xeno-miRNAs to see if they target any host genes; Or enter host genes to see if they are targeted by any xeno-miRNAs.